With the rapid development of China’s steel industry in the past 30 years, China’s excellent steel mills have gradually increased their smelting production capacity for high-end steel.They have made massive progress in the field of special steel, moreover, they have gradually increased their market share in industries such as in industries of automobiles, heavy machinery, anchor chains, high temperature resistance and wear resistance.They have also surpassed the world’s leading level in steel quality and technology.
Promisteel® has always been committed to enhancing the international image of Chinese steel brands and providing high-quality Chinese steel products to manufacturing users all over the world. In order to provide better service to customers, we have established the Promispecial® brand and engaged ourselves in integrating China’s high-quality special steel production capacity and product resources…
At Promispecial®, we specialize in high-quality special steels designed to meet the requirements of various industries and provide superior performance and reliability. Our broad product range extends from 0.013 millimeter drawn wire to 1,150 millimeter forged bar diameter.
Our Material Experts, R&D And Sales Team Have 15+ Years Of Experience In The Special Steel Industry.
Through Collaboration With Promispecial®, You Will Gain…
Promispecial® supplies high-strength, durable, and reliable specialty steels for 30+ industries. We ensure each industry receives the optimal steel grades to enhance their operations and product quality.
Promispecial® Is Here To Provide You With Customized Solutions.